Activion Inc. is an 8(a) certified consulting firm established on the foundations of Information Technology, supporting various Government agencies. Activion has the experience and personnel that specializes in Logistics Management, Information Assurance, Cloud computing, Mobile Technology and Network security services.
Activion’s achievements can be attributed to its five key foundational pillars of success; People, Process, Technology, Service, and Integrity.
People, Process, Technology, Service, and Integrity

People are at the very core of our business. With professional experience and expertise in both Information Technology and management, we believe that creating an elite team of highly qualified individuals will allow for an all-encompassing approach to solving even the most complex of problems.
We at Activion keep our processes to the utmost standard while keeping it comprehensible through all stages of requirement. With processes built on standards such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 800 series, Lean Six Sigma (LSS), and ISO Standards, we are able to provide the most effective solution through strategically planned procedures.
With the quick and dynamic technological market today, we are extremely flexible and adaptable to both the advanced and emerging technologies to help improve our IT processes. Technology adopted by Activion effectively incorporates all technological tools to provide robust and value-added services and solutions. With a spectrum of tools readily available, Activion is able to collect, analyze, and present data that is comprehensive to the client.
We keep clients to the upmost respect and provide solutions in a timely matter. Through a performance based system with client input, Activion is always actively seeking improved methods in order to service to their customers through effective and efficient means.
Activion upholds a spirit of mutual trust between the client and the firm. Trust remains at the very core of the company. We hold a high level of confidence that our clients are honest and in turn promise to keep all our excellent solutions to the highest level of integrity and ethical standards.